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The Secret Power of Lips

As Valentine’s Day fast approaches, I love to share my deepest and darkest seduction secrets with you all and 2018’s day of love is no exception.

For several years my lips were sealed, sealed to never be opened, sealed to never talk about the secret…but now is the time to reveal The Secret Power of Lips.

The seductive and comedic prowess of ‘one’s’ lips has been forefront into my personal performance research for a number of years and this article is the 1st in a series that focus upon unraveling the power of your pout.

Now don’t give me any lip you, I know it’s a crazy title and what do I even mean? After many years of research into performance facial expressions, it is a known fact that the eyes are the window to the soul. Eyes are predominantly the most important facial feature to factor into to a performance. Your eyes can melt an icy heart, warm the cockles of your audience and have them in the palm of your hand.

However, to create a prestige performance, team your beautiful eyes with the movement of your succulent lips. By employing both you can create an atmosphere of erotic seduction you can be proud of.

I guess the word on everybody’s lips is how to achieve this unlimited cosmic power? Well, here is a rundown of my personal tried and tested lip smackingly seductive methods that I employ on stage. Are you ready?

The Showgirl Smile

Who can resist the power of a dazzling smile? It is the showgirls armour.

The showgirl smile is an element of your performance that remains faithful to burlesques exaggerated send up origins.

Toothy or not, a smile beams across the stage, highlights sparkling eyes and beams positivity.

Trixie’s Top Tip – Excentuate your smile with glitter lips to really bring out the best of your sparkling smile. (Check out – Get the Showgirl Look – Glitter Lip Tutorial)

The Sneer

Not for the faint hearted, I repeat, not for the faint hearted. Lifting up one corner of your lips is not just for Elvis, sneering gives a fierce and fabulous look to your ‘mush’.

If used correctly it really controls your audience’s reactions. Try it, you will either see them squeal with delight or wriggle with excited discomfort.

The Touch

Touching your lips is the ultimate cheesecake pin up babe. Place your index finger to the side of your lips (not like Dr Evil) and Showgirl smile like nobody’s business.

On the other end of the coin, tracing your lips with your finger is sexy and super seductive but if you want to achieve the ultimate showgirl sass, lets talk about…the drag…

The Drag

Don’t be a drag, just be a queen and pop your middle finger on your lip and drag it down to one side. Very potent if you are eyeballing potential prey. Go forth and conquer!


So there you have it, part one of The Secret Power of Lips. Why don’t you try injecting some lip service into your performance (on the stage or at the photocopier). It will captivate your audience and leave you feeling confident and fantastic.

Loose that stiff upper lip and have a go yourselves, I dare you. Share the results and tag us on our social media channels #houseoftrixieblue.

Thank you so much for reading and see you soon for part two.

Seductively Yours,

Trixie Blue


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©House of Trixie Blue 2022 All Rights Reserved

Tattoo logo created by Dan Lake and transposed by Jon Robinson Designs

Photography Credits:
(C) CBR Photography
(C) Claire Seville

(C) Bentley G.Ravelle

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